Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lets Tackle the Kitchen Counter!

Do you ever fall behind on the weekends, when the kids are home and everyone is busy? Well I sure do, so you are not alone!! I have been trying to keep up with cleaning and organizing while potty training my 20 month old daughter. (more on that in a different post) We all just got over being sick for over a week, and with potty training and all the other activities we have going on, the kitchen counter has just become a crazy mess! I cook every night, so this can not continue to look like this...

 We live in a home that we are updating everything in, which can become very overwhelming at times. Our kitchen has old EVERYTHING in it, well not old food. This photo shows you how many cabinets I have for dishes, canned food, and any items you might keep in a kitchen! Not many right? And we do not have a dish washer, or as hubby would say, we have a dish washer, and it comes with the house....hahaha that dish washer is usually me! The good news ... we are updating every room in our home! Which means new EVERYTHING, and we will be adding a dish washer (yay for me)!
Over the next few days I will post what I am doing in this area, and reorganizing things and getting this mess under control. Join me! Start by taking a photo of what your space looks like (this will show you a side by side of what you have done when you are finished). Ask yourself why you have the things you have, do you use them, is this trash ect. type questions while you are cleaning. If you do not use it and do not need it...Why keep it? Sell it, throw it, or donate it! There are a few things I plan on selling, throwing and donating while going over this area of my home!  


  1. Do you use a family planning binder? I've just started mine a few weeks ago - I LOVE IT! I have never, in 36 years, had so much order! I've always been really messy, but I've always worked, too. I'm finally a stay at home mommy and it's taken me two years to finally figure out how to clean, lol!

  2. I have a regular day planner, and in that I wright any appointments we have, school events (no school days), and things of that nature. I tried to do a family binder the "Flylady way" last year, and I was so overwhelmed. My big problem, is where do I start? How to keep it clean when I am usually the only one cleaning on a regular basis? I also have a menu board that I made, and follow that for our meal planning. I would love to have everything organized and in order, and also have a family binder! Maybe soon. :) Feel free to share a link if you have a blog
