Sunday, March 23, 2014

8th item sold - 40 Items in 40 Days

Hey everyone, how is the challenge going? Are you selling, donating or throwing things away? Or maybe you are doing a combo of all 3? Hopefully you are getting rid of things your family no longer uses or loves and enjoying getting your space back! This last week was slow going, but its looking up!

I listed this item on eBay and it probably could have went for a higher price, but I am totally happy with it selling at $20!

I listed a few things on Facebook last week and they did not sell, so today I spent some of my time listing things in the eBay store, and more on Facebook. My son is home for Spring Break this week and has asked me to list some of his toys and shoes that he no longer wants, so I am hoping that I will be able to add those to a blog post in a few days!

If you would like to see more items I have listed in my eBay store to give you an idea on what I sell, or what prices I ask you can click  HERE

 Any items sold in my eBay store helps us pay down our debt, so if you make a purchase THANK YOU! Know that it helps my family out a ton, and that we are working on becoming Debt Free! 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

7 Items Down 33 To Go - 40 Items in 40 Days

 Hey everyone, how is your week going? Are you doing some spring cleaning? What about this 40 Items or Bags in 40 Days challenge? I have been on a roll the last few days! I have been listing on my local facebook page and eBay! So far I have sold a total of 7 items since starting this challenge! You might not be up for selling your things, but maybe you would like to donate or throw them away, which is totally okay! I however make my income and am able to stay home with my kids by selling! Something about myself that you might not know....I started selling on eBay in 2011, my first items sold was a children's chapter book, I think it sold for $2.00! I was hooked! Over the last several years I have gotten a lot better with finding items to sell! Below is a list of the items I have sold for this challenge with the price it sold for!

 Porcelain Doll $8.50 
Blow Dryer and Iron $12.00 
Beverage Dispenser $9.00 
Kids Books $12.00
Minnie Mouse Set $6.50

This Canister set I purchased on my local Facebook page 2 weeks ago for $9.25. I received a best offer of $40 a week after I listed it on eBay, and countered only for it to not sell. Which was fine with me, because I just knew if I waited a little longer it would sell for higher or better yet my asking price! Sure enough two weeks into the listing and it sells for my $60 asking price! 
Check them out HERE !

About a year ago I saw a craigslist post for a box of Free Ren and Stimpy items. Score for me when I found out they were still available and I just had to go pick them up! I have made a huge profit on the items I got for free. I sold this set of cards for $15 during this challenge. I have several more sets, but this is considered one item out in my book! 

Check them out HERE !

I will be back soon with an updated list of things sold! If you are doing this challenge and have a blog please leave a link in the comments for me to see your progress! Or tag me @kailaramsey on instagram so I can see your photos!

To see more items I have available in my eBay store click HERE

Thursday, March 6, 2014

40 Items in 40 Days! Can YOU Do It?

I wanted to share the challenge that Anna Marie is doing over at White House Black Shutters . She has done this for several years, this is however the first year I am going to try and do this challenge, or at least find 40 items we do not need anymore! I want you all to join me and all of Anna Marie's followers! This is perfect timing, the weather is warming, spring is coming and with that we are all ready to start our spring cleaning! Imagine now, how in 40 days you will feel when you have got rid of 40 items or bags, your house is clean and tidy and you can enjoy the sunshine! Over the next few weeks I will post what 40 items I have got rid of. Now if you feel like you have enough to do more... Go For It!!! I am choosing to do 40 items vs the bags because I do not want to overwhelm myself....on top of that many of the things in my house are inventory for my eBay Store. This will motivate me to get more things listed in my store, because if you were to check now you would see I do not have much in the store at this time! If its not won't sell...and I won't make any money! I plan to share the items I get rid of...and if I sell these items I will share that price too! Make this a family affair...see if you can get your kids, husband and everyone in your home involved.... Tag me on instagram so I can see how much you are getting done! Good luck and see ya soon with an update!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Spring Cleaning has Started

 Click HERE to see more of Toni's Photos

Toni has done it again, she has inspired me to get some organizing done! The weather is warming (well kind of) and that means the organizing bug has hit at my house! I have so many things planned.... and I know I have been MIA the last few months... but now I feel refreshed and ready to roll! What better way to get back into blogging then starting my Spring cleaning! Toni posted this photo above on instagram a few days ago, and I noticed that we had the exact same bins she is using in this photo. I still had not put mine to use, so what did I do....This weekend I took everything out of our linen closet and got right to it! Now it is not as organized as I would like it to be, and I still need to find something to store all my smelly lotions and sprays in ...but it looks so much better, and I have even more empty space! Do you ever feel like every "Space" should be full? I do ...but then again I don't, I am just loving seeing my shelves nice and neat, labeled and empty space available for things that do not yet have a home! Feel free to tag me on your instagram while organizing or spring cleaning! Who knows I might "feature" your photo in one of my blog posts! (tag me @kailaramsey)