Tuesday, April 30, 2013

DIY Sleepy Time Bath Foam Baby Wash

We can make a bottle of baby wash last a long time in our house! If I were to put that bottle of baby wash on the left in the bath tub it would be gone in a good couple of days! My son and daughter both use it, and my son (7) he would use way too much at one time, My daughter would do the same, but not realize she was doing so. When we used up all the foam bottle I knew I could make another one, and if they used it up in a week or sooner it was not too big of a deal because we do not use as much of the regular soap in it! I wanted to use some doTerra essential oils to make it a "Sleepy Time" soap that would help calm them before bed

Things Needed 
- Baby Wash of your choice
- Empty Foam pump bottle
-    Lavender essential oil  

STEP 1: Get your empty Foam Pump Bottle 

STEP 2: Squeeze some of the baby wash into the bottle (about 1/2 inch)

STEP 3: Put 3-5 drops of Lavender essential oil

STEP 4: Fill your bottle with water **TIP**(make sure you fill it slowly with little water pressure) 

You do not want it to bubble while the water is going into it so follow the tip ^^^  Put the lid on once you have enough water in the foam bottle, and give it a good swirl

And you are done!!!


Saturday, April 27, 2013

I Phone Photo Dump

Hey guys, I took a Blogging break the last few days! But I am back now! I have been spending way too much time on the computer, so I have made it my goal to only be on in the morning while I drink my coffee, and then I want to focus on getting the house organized and getting the eBay Store stocked up! Don't worry I will still blog and show you all my pictures of the mess we have! ;) Today I thought I would just dump all my iPhone photos on you guys

I totally want to make this, its so cute! Found it on pinterest! 
 Went to Barnes and Nobel with some friends, and guess what happened? My daughter she threw up...as I was getting ready to pay for my order! All over the floor, in front of a bunch of people..Poor baby, she was fine before we got there, and was fine after she got sick! :(

 Check out this wooden engraved book mark! My mom got it for me, a long time ago. I was not always interested in reading, I think this was one of those things she got to try and motivate me to read...which I never did...until now!
 Check this out...I have had this since my son was a baby, he is 7 now! Well my daughter was playing with this, and really loved it for a while, now she does not play with it...so we listed it for sale on the Facebook Auction page in our town...and it brought us $20! I started it at $5.00 and was in complete shock when a "bidding war" had reached $20.25!
 See this beautiful hand painted tile?? A mom from the school my son goes to, she paints them! She had asked if I would sell her tiles on eBay, a few weeks ago, and honestly I have way to much inventory to even consider doing this right now! I should really post a photo of that mess  for you all to see! So instead I came home and found two other people that sell on eBay and offer to sell for others, and printed off the contact info for her. Well she had called one, and the number was wrong, so she called the other...And guess what?? They own a shop downtown and have asked her to display her work in the front window for sale! She made this for me as a "Thank you" because if I would not have given her the info she never would have known about the shop down town! I am so excited for her and I hope that she will get a webpage soon, so I can share it with everyone!
Well I hope you stuck around and read this RANDOM post of mine! If you are following on Instagram, you will get a sneak peak of what I have in store for ya all real soon! It involves legos!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Daily Water

Follow me on Instagram
If you have been following my posts than you know that I have been trying to eat healthier and work out. You might have read my Work Out Plan post a few days ago and wondered how I can drink 60+ ounces of water a day! I can not stand the taste of water...it is just so boring....I only drink plain water when I am super thirsty! I used to add things like mio and the flavor packets you can buy at Wal-mart and I noticed that my stomach would hurt shortly after drinking water mixed with those items. So I stopped buying them...and in return stopped drinking a lot of water. Not good! After learning more about doTerra Essential Oils and how many ways you can use them in your daily life, I knew I needed to try them out! The first set I ordered came with the small bottle of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint. I started adding the lemon to my water, and it flavored it just enough to make me feel like drinking more water. It is not a real strong "lemon" flavor just enough to tell that is not plain water! I love that I can get the flavor water I was looking for, without all the "extra" stuff I did not want! I was adding sliced and squeezed lemons into my water, and it was super sour and I also worried that the citric acid in the lemon would cause problems to my teeth! With the Lemon essential oils I no longer have to worry about that! Plus I get so much more out drinking my lemon water! Go check out THIS blog post about the benefits of adding essential oils to you water. 

*** If you plan on adding essential oils to your water, please make sure that it is an oil that is safe for internal use! 

Monday, April 22, 2013

April Book Club Pick

What I Do All Day Instagram
Well I am a little late at announcing the April Book club pick, and I am hoping that those of you in this book club are following along with Toni from A Bowl Full Of Lemons. I was sad that I missed the first discussion, I was still waiting for my turn at the only copy from the library! I am only a few pages in and am already enjoying this pick! I just hope I can finish it before the second discussion! Toni also had a post that was extra special for any of the people in the book club....The offer in the post expires at the end of April so hurry over to Friendship Bread Details on A Bowl Full of Lemons   to see what it is! I will post the May book as soon as I know what it is...I told everyone voting to pick something good...My birthday is on the 3rd, so it will be my birthday book! If you have already read this book, please do not post a comment that might spoil it for others...Thanks :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Dried Rose Project

When was the last time you got roses? Did you think...I wish I could enjoy these forever?? I know anytime I get fresh flowers I always wish they would last longer, or that there was some way I could just save them! Have you ever done a project with dried out roses that you saved? My friend Christina was so excited when she ran across this photo on pinterest a few days ago! 
rose shadow box from The Crafy Chicks

Let me tell you, Christina is like my best friend and also a mommy! She has been doing some super crafty stuff at her house and has agreed to send me photos to share with all of you! I totally want to be just like her and go to hobby lobby and buy a ton of stuff and start doing all these super neat crafts I have....but if you saw my house you would know exactly why I will not ALLOW myself to buy any more stuff! We have way too much stuff, and I really want to get the house looking a little more neat and organized before I start doing other things! What was this post about?? Oh yeah, Christina and her craft! She had some dried roses that she got a Valentine's day and had been looking for something creative to do with them. So the project ^^^ up there was what she went for. 

Things needed: Roses (dried)
Hot glue and the gun
Shadow box 
Scrapbook paper

This is the original post you can follow for better directions or more ideas on what to if you really want to follow the above photo. Christina did not have enough roses to make a heart so she kind of did her own thing. It still came out super cute, and looks amazing! She did say that her shadow box was a little to small so it does not look quite like the photo she followed, but she is still happy with her craft! Now she can always remember the flowers she got on Valentines day, and she knows that not ever other person in the world will have this piece of art in their home!
I love the way it came out. I really like that they are not all the same color and that they do not look "perfect" like the first photo. It has character! I also like that it has the scrapbook paper behind it instead of just a plain piece of paper! Great job Christina, can't wait to see what you have to show us next!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Workout Plan

I really want to start eating healthier and working out more. If you have been following the blog then you have read a few ways I plan to change the eating in our house. Now its time to talk about how I am going to fit a "work out plan" into the mix! I created something that would be easy to track my work outs and also make it easy to keep up with weight and measurements. Every Sunday I plan to step on the scale and see what my "lucky" or "unlucky" number is! I will also measure a few areas to see if I have lost or gained any inches! Then I will put the scale and measuring tape away until it is time to do it again. I feel like, if I look at the scale daily or measure daily that I might get discouraged from all the hard work I am doing, especially if the numbers do not move! Now this might not work for you, but it will for me! I also want to get this out there for everyone...I am 5' 1" and about 120 lbs. You might be thinking...Why on earth do you want to loose weight?? I put my swim suit on a few days ago, and did not like the way I looked in it...I really want to just tone up and get fit! I realize that I might actually gain weight if I build some muscle tone, which is fine...as long as I am more toned in the areas I do not like right now! I am going to do my best to drink 60 oz. of water a day and work out or do some kind of exercise every day ...EXCEPT for Sunday! In order to stay on task I printed off a workout planner, and will also be keeping track of my food intake! I have a sweet tooth and love all the things I should try not to eat, so if I put it on paper I will know if I have been "cheating" on my healthy eating! I am going to be starting with the Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred which are 30 minute work outs! Feel free to use the printable I created, and please link back to this blog if you want to share it with others! :)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Orange Infused Vinegar

Hey guys, today I am going to show you step by step how I made orange infused vinegar! I know, I know...it looks a lot like urine, but I promise you that it is NOT! I purchased a big container (not the sizes shown in photo) but the 1 gallon sized container of vinegar for about $3.00 a few weeks ago. I also had a bunch of oranges in the fridge! You can use lemon or grapefruit also, really any citrus type of fruit! I do not have any photos of the before part (I know I should have taken some) 

Step 1: Get a Mason jar, or something that will seal tight. Oranges and vinegar
Step 2: Peal a bunch of Oranges. I pealed enough to fill my jar. 
Step 3: Put all the peals into the jar.
Step 4: Pour vinegar over the top of the peals and close your jar tight!

Now find a dark place (under kitchen sink) and put your jar there! And here comes the hard part...you needed to wait 2-3 weeks!!! 


Now that it has been 2-3 weeks...Get your jar out! 
I also got out a few other things that I knew I would need. I used a little strainer (from pampered chef), Measuring cup, funnel, and an empty container. 

Step 1: Get all your supplies

Step 2: Put your strainer on top of the measuring cup, then carefully pour some of the liquid from your container with orange peals. 

Step3: Put funnel in the container you are storing your orange infuse vinegar in.

Step 4: Carefully pour the strained liquid into the new container! 

That's it! You are done! Now you can use this to clean the house, just mix a cup with a cup of water in a spray bottle and go crazy cleaning! I plan on ordering some essential oils to put in mine but it is not necessary

Thursday, April 18, 2013

New Links New Look

Over the last few days you might have noticed that I made a few changes to the blog! Changed up the color and layout a bit. Do you love it or what! Every day when I come over and check comments and create a new post I just can't help but get happy seeing the bright yellow and pink on the blog! So...Spring like! I just wish the weather in our area would get warmer and sunny! If you follow the blog, I want to say THANK YOU and remind you that there are other ways to keep up with things on the blog! We have a Facebook  page that you can like and we also have a Instagram  page that you can follow! The Instagram page usually will show things that did not make it on the blog, or "future" blog post photos! I also added a new page Link Up that has the days Monday - Sunday with links to blogs I "link up" on. If you have a blog or know of one that hosts a weekly "link up party" leave me a comment with the link and the day of the party and I will added to the page! Well its time for me to go get ready for gymnastics with my daughter! Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Declutter and Make $

It really seems to be a never ending task! I have been taking things to donation, selling, throwing away...you name it I have probably done it! eBay seems to be a little slow lately. I blame taxes...everyone was rushing to get all their stuff turned in on time and had no time to shop! Hopefully it will pick up soon, cause I have a bunch of stuff waiting to be listed! I have been doing great on Facebook sales. Here are a few things I have sold lately....



This is to give you an idea of what items you might be able to make a few bucks on! I often over look something and think..."No one will buy this" and then a few days later someone is at the door with a couple dollars paying for the item I thought was not worth listing! If you are interested in making money off your "JUNK" head over to Budget Mama for her post on just that! There are many ways to declutter and make money at the same time. 
-Yard Sale
- Facebook
- Craigslist
- Free Cycle (you wont make money but you can get rid of it) 
How do you make extra cash? Do you sell the things you do not use or donate them? Check back soon for info on how I have been keeping track of the money I make selling on Facebook!  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nature Box - Healthy Snacking

Do you often find yourself snacking on chips, candy and cookies throughout the day or week? I have a sweet tooth...and when I am bored...I find myself in the kitchen searching for something to snack on! We do not buy many snack foods, we usually have fruits and veggies in the fridge and every so often by something we would not normally buy. I have really been trying to have healthy options for myself and my kids in the house. I am also doing a lot more baking and cooking from scratch to make sure I "control" how much sugars are going into their snacks. A few days ago, I came across Nature Box website and thought this seems like such a great idea! I did a pinterest search on them, and found lost of other bloggers with reviews on the products! So many people seem to be enjoying what they receive in their box each month! 

Nature Box
For $19.95 you get 5 Full size bags of snacks that are super healthy for you! Check out the website! Many people had said that with this program they are trying things that they might not have tried in the past. Think about it... many of these items you would not purchase on your own in the store...now you can try them out and if you like them GREAT...if you do not like them...Share them with a friend and maybe they will sign up too! You can cancel or pause your shippment at any time. They also have larger packages you can purchase if you are not the only one eating them! I am planning on pulling $10 from our food budget twice a month to cover this cost, and in return will not be picking up many if at all snacks in the grocery store! Each month I will share what came in my box, and also share a recipe with something I have made using the a product from the box! If you are interested in ordering Nature Box you can use the code FB50 for $10 off your first order. Making it $9.95 the first order and the second order from then on would be $19.95!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Pet Expo

This Saturday my mom called me and wanted to see if we would go to the pet expo with her. So we loaded up in the car and went to the free pet expo our town was having. There were a ton of dogs, of so many sizes! (sorry about the horrible phone pictures) They had a craft table for kids, and some finger printing stations where you can get your kids finger printed in case the worst were to happen. They had $10 animal shots, and $25 micro chipping! They even had professional animal photographers set up taking photos of your animals!  Tons of good deals if you had a furry friend! My mom has a Jack Russel named "Jack" ...creative name huh? We had walked the whole pet expo and only got a few snacks for the kids (from a local bakery) when we ran in to this super cute table with snacks that looked so yummy! 

They even had samples! And I tried one...and so did my kids! And guess what...it was a dog treat table! Yes we ate a dog treat sample! It was actually very tasty, and locally made! She has an online store too called The Bully Pantry and you can like them on Facebook too! If you have a puppy that would love some home-made treats I would totally recommend some of these treats! While my mom was busy getting $20 in dog treats for Jack, I asked a few questions about the products they have. 

If you buy in bulk how long will they last? If you do not use them within a few days of purchasing, you should put them in the freezer, where they will be good for up to 3 months! 

Can human's eat these? They can, but they are not "sweet" like regular cookies, because there is no sugar in these! 


She even makes doggy birthday cakes!! Go check them out and if you have a dog, you should order your pooch a little surprise! Be sure to share this blog post with others that have dogs, and help get the word out about this amazing Doggy Bakery!