Saturday, November 23, 2013

Amazing Bathroom Makeover

Hey everyone! How is your Pre-Thanksgiving planning going? Anyone doing any traveling or black Friday shopping? We will be staying home and having a relaxed week doing fun things with the kids! But before I take some time away from the computer, I wanted to share our Amazing Bathroom Makeover with everyone! I do not have any before photos as it was started before I was able to get the photos! I promise I have already taken before photos of the second bathroom we are working on, and you will be so shocked when its finished! As many of you know we are paying of debt, and we also do lots of budgeting! This bathroom was paid for with CASH only and took a very long time to finish, because we did not want to add any more to our debt! At the end of the post I will share paint color, and links to where things were purchased! 


All the work done in this bathroom make over was done by my hubby! All the decorating and color choices was done by me! :)

Towels purchased HERE
Bath Mats purchased  HERE
Shower curtain purchased HERE
Sink and Vanitey purchased HERE
Toilet purchased HERE
Medicine cabinet purchased  HERE
Lights purchased (similar) HERE
Paint color is HERE

Please leave me a comment with what you think of our new bathroom! I absolutely love it! When we take a shower now we often joke that it feels like we are in a hotel, and it so nice, we could just hang out in that room all day!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Where did the Year go + Free Christmas Planner Printable

Good Morning everyone! How was everyone's Halloween? If you follow me on instagram you probably saw I had a pretty princess and a zombie on Halloween! I am sitting here drinking some coffee (yeah I know I said I gave it up...but I just couldn't...I love it too much) asking myself "Where did the year go"? This year is almost over...and it is almost Christmas time! I am already going a little crazy trying to make sure I get everything done this month so I can relax a little more next month! I have already started some DIY Christmas gifts, and shopping for my kids! I think the hardest part about this time of year is that really soon my kids will both be a year older! 

In an effort to make my holiday run a little smoother I created a Christmas Planner printable to help me keep track of a few things! If you are interested in printing one for yourself I have included it in this blog post! 

**This is for personal use only** 
If you decide to use this printable I would love it if you tag me on instagram, or share a photo of it in use on our facebook pages! 

You can find all of our Social Media outlets HERE