Monday, June 3, 2013

Fruit and Veggie Bath

Do you give your fruits and veggies a bath?? I did not always used to do fact this is the first time I really have! I know bad me! I usually just run everything under the water and call it good...Well now that we are trying to cut back on all the boxed food and add more fruits and veggies in I figured I better get on track with getting them as clean as I can! A few weeks back I saw THIS post over at the Casa de Familia Garcia blog and knew I had everything on hand to wash my fruits and veggies! 

So I filled up my sink with some warm water and added

1 Cup White Vinegar 
       4 drops of ***  Lemon DoTerra essential oils

That's it!
Let it sit for 10 minutes, and then you are finished! When I finished with my fruit and veggie bath I was kind of shocked at how dirty the water was! Never again will I just rinse them off and call it good! Hopefully you wont either! 


  1. Thanks Kaila for posting my blog!! Blessings!

    1. Your Welcome! Thanks for the great veggie wash! ;)
