Saturday, April 20, 2013

Workout Plan

I really want to start eating healthier and working out more. If you have been following the blog then you have read a few ways I plan to change the eating in our house. Now its time to talk about how I am going to fit a "work out plan" into the mix! I created something that would be easy to track my work outs and also make it easy to keep up with weight and measurements. Every Sunday I plan to step on the scale and see what my "lucky" or "unlucky" number is! I will also measure a few areas to see if I have lost or gained any inches! Then I will put the scale and measuring tape away until it is time to do it again. I feel like, if I look at the scale daily or measure daily that I might get discouraged from all the hard work I am doing, especially if the numbers do not move! Now this might not work for you, but it will for me! I also want to get this out there for everyone...I am 5' 1" and about 120 lbs. You might be thinking...Why on earth do you want to loose weight?? I put my swim suit on a few days ago, and did not like the way I looked in it...I really want to just tone up and get fit! I realize that I might actually gain weight if I build some muscle tone, which is long as I am more toned in the areas I do not like right now! I am going to do my best to drink 60 oz. of water a day and work out or do some kind of exercise every day ...EXCEPT for Sunday! In order to stay on task I printed off a workout planner, and will also be keeping track of my food intake! I have a sweet tooth and love all the things I should try not to eat, so if I put it on paper I will know if I have been "cheating" on my healthy eating! I am going to be starting with the Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred which are 30 minute work outs! Feel free to use the printable I created, and please link back to this blog if you want to share it with others! :)


  1. Is the Jillain Michael's a workout video?

    1. Yes she has a few different dvd's. Most you can find at Walmart and Target stores, or you can order them. You might know her from The Biggest Looser?? She is/was one of the trainers on that show. :)
