Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Daily List

I have come to the conclusion that I "NEED" to make a daily list every night and have a plan for the next day! I have found myself more often than not, watching DVR shows, surfing pinterest, and blog hopping. Only to find out several hours after I drop my son at school that it is now time to go pick him up and I have done nothing! Does this happen to you? I am a stay at home mom, and have a lot of time on my hands, and I am sad to say that my house looks like a disaster and I do not manage my time very well! :( In an effort to stay on task I thought I would give "list making" a shot! Maybe "I am" the type of person that needs to see a list and cross things off when I finish? 
Today's List 
- List 3 items on Facebook (for sale) 
-List 5 items on eBay
- 1 Load of Laundry 
- Wash Dishes 
- 2 Blog Posts 
  I am happy to say I have posted 3 things on Facebook, I have done 2 Loads of Laundry and I am working on my blog posts now! As you can see I also started a list of ideas I have on blog posts! Do you have any requests on what I post?? Leave a comment on your ideas! Maybe this whole "list" thing will work well for me! 


  1. I have ADHD and aspergers so I also need lists or I just end up on the internet all day blog hopping too. or watching tv. Sadly, even if i write a list sometimes i still spend all day on the internet:( right now i have a dry erase board on my fridge that I put my daily list on, but i need a better place to put it so i actually see it more often.

  2. LL I too make lists and still sit doing nothing all day! Staying home is not it is so easy to do nothing and just "live" with the mess of life...than it is to sort and organize or make choices on what to do with things! One task at a time we will get those lists and our home in order! :)
