Thursday, April 18, 2013

New Links New Look

Over the last few days you might have noticed that I made a few changes to the blog! Changed up the color and layout a bit. Do you love it or what! Every day when I come over and check comments and create a new post I just can't help but get happy seeing the bright yellow and pink on the blog! So...Spring like! I just wish the weather in our area would get warmer and sunny! If you follow the blog, I want to say THANK YOU and remind you that there are other ways to keep up with things on the blog! We have a Facebook  page that you can like and we also have a Instagram  page that you can follow! The Instagram page usually will show things that did not make it on the blog, or "future" blog post photos! I also added a new page Link Up that has the days Monday - Sunday with links to blogs I "link up" on. If you have a blog or know of one that hosts a weekly "link up party" leave me a comment with the link and the day of the party and I will added to the page! Well its time for me to go get ready for gymnastics with my daughter! Have a great day!

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