Hey guys, today I am going to show you step by step how I made orange infused vinegar! I know, I know...it looks a lot like urine, but I promise you that it is NOT! I purchased a big container (not the sizes shown in photo) but the 1 gallon sized container of vinegar for about $3.00 a few weeks ago. I also had a bunch of oranges in the fridge! You can use lemon or grapefruit also, really any citrus type of fruit! I do not have any photos of the before part (I know I should have taken some)
Step 1: Get a Mason jar, or something that will seal tight. Oranges and vinegar
Step 2: Peal a bunch of Oranges. I pealed enough to fill my jar.
Step 3: Put all the peals into the jar.
Step 4: Pour vinegar over the top of the peals and close your jar tight!
Now find a dark place (under kitchen sink) and put your jar there! And here comes the hard part...you needed to wait 2-3 weeks!!!
Now that it has been 2-3 weeks...Get your jar out!
I also got out a few other things that I knew I would need. I used a little strainer (from pampered chef), Measuring cup, funnel, and an empty container.
Step 1: Get all your supplies
Step 2: Put your strainer on top of the measuring cup, then carefully pour some of the liquid from your container with orange peals.
Step3: Put funnel in the container you are storing your orange infuse vinegar in.
Step 4: Carefully pour the strained liquid into the new container!
That's it! You are done! Now you can use this to clean the house, just mix a cup with a cup of water in a spray bottle and go crazy cleaning! I plan on ordering some essential oils to put in mine but it is not necessary!