Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Daughter's Closet

It has been a busy past few days, which is why you have not seen a new post! This week I have been working on my daughter's room. She is almost two and has really never spent time in her own room, which made it the perfect "dumping ground". She sleeps in our room with us, and her toys are usually in the living room. I thought now that she is becoming a "toddler" I would get her room cleaned up and get her more used to it being "her room"! I started in the closet. Took everything out on the bottom, and moved it to the living room. (Most of the stuff that was down there was eBay stuff. I left the stuff hanging (top hanging areas) until we get our spare bedroom turned into my eBay office. I made her some cute boxes and labeled them "socks & undies" and "pajamas" and put those on that first shelf. I want to make some more boxes for the extra hangers, and a few other items. Moved all of her wipes, and toiletries to the second from the top shelf under her extra "blankies". I moved her toy box from the living room to the closet, and that is as far as I have got so far. Come back soon to see the rest of her room!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great!!/pages/Inspire-To-Organize/434778003251219?fref=ts
