Saturday, November 17, 2012

Homework you want to SAVE

 If you have kids then I am sure you know they bring home a ton of paper crafts and homework on a regular basis. My son is in 1st grade, and they send home a weeks worth of paper every Friday!  When he was in pre-k his work was more art projects then actual work. Now most everything in his folder is homework, and things they are learning in class. If I keep it all then my house will be overloaded with piles and piles of paper. My plan is to keep a few things every time he brings something home. Good graded work, Nice coloring pages, and special art work and drawings he does. Well I am sure you are wondering where I plan to keep 12+ years of work?? And I have another little one I plan to do the same with...That could be piles and piles of paper if I do not find a good storage area! 

I purchased one of those file folder boxes and some files. I have tabs from Pre-K (or daycare) to 12th grade. I do not over stuff these folders, and I really think about the items I put into it. I ask myself a few questions to make sure I am putting things I really want to keep and remember into the folders. I keep all report cards and rewards in this box too! This idea came from I Heart Organizing  where I also go this printable  ------------------>
 for the front of the folders.  It has a place for a school photo, and to wright what teacher, and grade the child had or was in. My plan is when my son graduates I will have everything from the folders made into a book, and give it as a gift. I am sure by then I will think of something that might bring some tears to wright in the back of it, about how I watched him grow, and saved the work to look back on how he changed! But I still have a long while before that day comes! What do you do with your child's homework and art projects?? 

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