Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Organized Travel

Last week I had quite a few post ideas that I wanted to get up on the blog, but was unable to! Last Sunday we were outside working on our yard and we received a phone call from my hubby's dad, and it put us into overdrive mode! My hubby's grandma had passed away that morning :( We had to finish up what we were doing outside and go shopping for funeral clothing. Mean while I was left at home on Monday to pack for 4 people, so we could leave at 5:00 A.M Tuesday Morning! Talk about a lot to deal with in a short amount of time! I had a kitchen full of dirty dishes, tons of laundry on top of trying to pack! All day Monday was spent getting the house as "picked" up as I could while packing for the four of us to leave! I managed to get the kitchen super clean, all our bedding cleaned and the bathroom cleaned! Guess what...it all needs cleaned again! 

We were going to be staying at hubby's parents house for the week, and they have one bathroom, and I did not want to have to borrow towels and leave them with extra laundry when we left...So I got an empty container and put 4 towels...and all our bathroom supplies in it! This made it super easy and quick when we got there because we knew where the box needed to go, and we did not have to dig around in a suit case for it! Now this might not work for everyone...but it worked for us! If you have a bigger family you just use a bigger container! We have a Chevy Tahoe, so we had enough room to pack like this, and still have room for us all to sit! This also might not work if you are traveling by plane, bus or train, but if you are driving then it works great! Once we used a towel I took a hanger and hung it up in the closet of the room we were sleeping it so it would dry! The last time we were at their house I did not do this....instead we ended up tossing our towels in the suit case for the next day and they never got dry! 


My two year old did great the last time we drove to Texas, she stayed dry the whole way there and back! I knew she would do fine again this time, but just in case I packed her a "Potty box" 
I put all her underwear in with three pairs of clothes and her home made wipes(soon to be on blog). I also went to WalMart and bought her a cheap portable potty, in case we had to pull over for her to go. She ended up not using the potty so I returned it once we got home! I am so glad I packed this box, because on the ride home she got sick in the car, and had we not had this box under her feet we would have had to unload the suitcase to get her clean clothes on the side of the high way! 

You might be wondering how I packed our clothing! Hubby and I shared a big suit case, and the kid shared a small suit case! I put every pair of short/pants with the shirt it went to...that way all we had to do was pull it out and grab a clean pair of undies and socks! Since we did not have much clean clothing on the last day I put all the extra clean clothing into the small suit case, and all the dirty laundry went into the large suit case! This made it so easy when we got home to just take the big suit case to the laundry area and sort it and wash! It was so nice to see everyone, I just hate that it was under such sad circumstances! I had only met my hubby's grandma the one time in November when we went to Texas and even though I had no idea what she was saying to us (she speaks Spanish) She was so nice and welcomed me into her home and life as if she had known me forever! She loved my kids and gave them tons of hugs and kisses and I am so happy that we had the chance to meet her before she passed! I am happy she lived a long 96 years and was able to enjoy being independent and live on her own up until a few weeks prior to her passing! I can only hope to have such a great life and hope other do too!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! It really made it so much easier once we were on the road and got to our destination!
