Thursday, July 11, 2013


Hey everyone, hope your having a great week! I am so excited to share this post with you all! We eat a ton of avocados in our house, and we usually throw away the pit! Until one weekend when I decided I wanted to try and grow an avocado tree from the pit! I have never done this before but I have seen my grandma start the seeds before and figured I would give it a try...I mean what am I going to loose if it doesn't work since I was going to throw it away anyways! In the photo up above the top right is how I started them, I stuck three tooth picks in one pit and sat it on top of a jar or glass in the window. I kept the water level to the rim of the jar/glass and waited...and waited...and waited! I literally waited like 3 months before I finally saw it change! It split down the middle and started growing some roots and then eventually it sprouted out the top! I still have three that are growing and not quite ready to be planted in soil but the one on the bottom right in the photo is growing so big! I took it outside so it would be in the sun and heat and it just keeps getting bigger! So exciting for me, especially since hubby thought I was crazy and did not think you could grow an avocado pit! The photo on the left is of one of our tomato plants....we are going to have a lot of fresh tomatoes really soon! We did not plant much this year, but its okay because my dad has a huge garden and always sends me home with bag fulls! I will have to go take pictures of his garden and share what he is doing! Did you plant anything this year? Would love to hear how your garden is doing if you have one!

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