Reasons I am giving it up
1. I put 6 Tablespoons in 16 oz every day!
2. If I do not drink it every day I get head aches and feel sick
3. My Keurig is not brewing hot enough
4. My Keurig is not brewing the proper amount (oz)
I have done so many things to try and fix the brewing problem on my Keurig, and it is still not brewing hot enough or the right amount in oz. It is 2 1/2 years old, and has been used every day since I got it! I started thinking, maybe now is the "time" to give up my coffee ADDICTION! I mean who really needs 6 TABLESPOONS of sugar every morning?? And I really hate days when I am out of milk, or cream, because I won't make coffee till I have it, which means I usually start to have a head ache! I woke up this morning and tried one more time to make a cup of good ole Joe and it just was not as yummy as I had hoped. I keep trying to find every reason to keep this machine and keep making coffee...and I think its just time to give it up! Anyone else give up their morning coffee? Any tips or suggestions on an easy transition off the addiction? I know in the long run this will save us a few $, because I will not be buying sugar as often, or coffee or milk/cream! At Starbucks it is cheaper for me to get a tea then it is to order one of those blended fraps with several shots of espresso! This will free up some space on the counter! And the best part, after a few days without coffee my head aches and "need" for the drink will be gone! I plan on drinking some teas with honey, and also getting into smoothies and "fruit" type drinks! I think this will be so much better for my health and something I can share with the kids too!