Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Should I, Should I not??

I am sitting here next to my daughter who is napping and around me is a pile of clothing that do not fit her, toys, coupons and some things the belong in the trash. I am looking at it wondering "How could it get like this?" " I just cleaned and this room was spotless at the beginning of the month!" Every room I walk into I realize that it is a mess again, or that I have a pile of odds and ends and no place to put it! Does this happen to you? It is so frustrating some times. I really just want to load everything that we do not need or use and take it to the dump! But that is even harder for me, because I see a bunch of $$$ going out the door. I have my eBay  store and I also started selling on our local auction page on Facebook. This month alone on Facebook I have made $70+ and on eBay I have made $50+ and this has allowed me to make a few extra dollars and get rid of a few things we are not using anymore! Great, Right?? I like that I can make the extra money while cleaning house, but I really just wish it was gone at the snap of my fingers! I have put a lot of thought into down sizing our belongings...for instance, do we really need the two coffee tables in the living room?? No, you know why?? Because right now there is a printer on one (not being used) and on the other there is a gifts from my daughters 2nd birthday. They collect things that do not have a place. With this being said I think it is safe to say we do not need them! I have been thinking a lot about becoming a minimalist! Are any of my readers minimalists? Any tips or sites you follow that could help me. I think the easiest way for my family will be to do it one step at a time...other wise we will all go in shock and feel like we should replace all those things we are getting rid of. Goals, would be a great place to start, don't you think? 

-One Item a day ( I think if I can pick one item that we do not need a day, and either throw it away, or attempt to sell it would work great)

 - Stop buying (Only buying things we need, food, new shoes or clothing for the kids ect. )

 - One in one out (If we purchase ANYTHING I think it would be right to do the one in one out method) 

That is a few good goals to start with. I hope that my next post will have some photos for everyone with things I am working on! Feel free to leave me some tips or links that might help with my quest to down grade our belongings!

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