Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Where did the Year go + Free Christmas Planner Printable

Good Morning everyone! How was everyone's Halloween? If you follow me on instagram you probably saw I had a pretty princess and a zombie on Halloween! I am sitting here drinking some coffee (yeah I know I said I gave it up...but I just couldn't...I love it too much) asking myself "Where did the year go"? This year is almost over...and it is almost Christmas time! I am already going a little crazy trying to make sure I get everything done this month so I can relax a little more next month! I have already started some DIY Christmas gifts, and shopping for my kids! I think the hardest part about this time of year is that really soon my kids will both be a year older! 

In an effort to make my holiday run a little smoother I created a Christmas Planner printable to help me keep track of a few things! If you are interested in printing one for yourself I have included it in this blog post! 

**This is for personal use only** 
If you decide to use this printable I would love it if you tag me on instagram, or share a photo of it in use on our facebook pages! 

You can find all of our Social Media outlets HERE


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