Saturday, December 1, 2012

Nice Day Outside- Front Porch Clean Up

Hey everyone, I have been super busy and have not had too much time to get on and do a new post! Today was such a nice day outside, and very warm for December. So warm, my son was wearing shorts today! I was so sick of being inside and thought today was the perfect day to get out and enjoy the fresh air! So that's what we did! I took my kids to get a treat, and when we came back I went strait to work on getting our front porch cleaned up. It was a mess! 
It became a dumping ground and things were just getting left outside more often then not. I know it will be snowing soon and I did not want to have to deal with this mess while it was cold. Much of what you see was taken to a donation center, and the the rest went strait to the trash can! Over in the corner I put the things that need to go into our garage or attached shed, for when my honey gets home. I swept up all the leaves and got it super clean. Now we can enjoy the nice days on our porch sitting in at our patio set! 
 I had this patio set made for my hubby as birthday gift. The skull in the arms and table are a darker wood inserted into the light colored wood. It is a very relaxing set, and we have enjoyed a few late nights just talking outside! I plan to keep our porch clean so that I can go out and read my nook when it is nice! In the future I would like to stain the floor, and add an outdoor rug and maybe a few things to make it more like an outdoor living room! Hope you had a great Saturday! :)


  1. Very nice! I don't blame you for wanting to enjoy the weather. We're slated to have a couple of nice days and I plan on throwing open windows! It's been pretty chilly here (Massachusetts) this week, so it will be nice to take advantage of the nicer weather.

    We have a 3-season porch that I'm hoping over Christmas break, I can get my guys to tidy up. It overwhelms me every time I walk in the house.

  2. That was exactly how I was feeling when I would walk onto the porch to come inside. And I started to notice that little by little that mess outside was happening inside and being left to sit. I am beginning to think that less is more, and want to start getting rid of things that just are not needed! I want to enjoy the things I like, such as sewing, reading and scrap booking vs. cleaning all the time!

  3. Looks fantastic now!
