Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Holidays

Hey everyone, sorry I have not posted in a few weeks! First off I hope everyone had a great Christmas! We did in our house, and now I am looking for new things to keep these kiddos organized! I have had a lot happen since my last post! I finished painting a wooden chair for my daughter. My son turned 7! Then my daughter broke my charger to my laptop, and I had to order a new one! Christmas and visiting a few family and friends. Now I am sitting here in a disaster of toys, and trying to figure out what I should start with first?? Right now I am enjoying a cup of coffee while watching cartoons with my girly! Any of my readers have a girl, with lots of dolls?? How should I organize those? She got like 7 new dolls for Christmas! My goal in this next year is to get fit, and get the house more organized. I am already very small (5 foot and 120 lbs)but I really want to get toned and eat better, oh and remember to take my vitamins daily! Yesterday I started with the Jillian Michale's 30 day shred, and I wont even begin to tell you how ashamed I am! LOL I made it 1/3 the way threw the first challenge, and was dyeing! What do you guys think should I take a before, during, and after photos?? I plan to do 30 days of each of her three workouts on the dvd, so it would be a grand total of 90 days! I better be in shape by the end of that too!! :) Starting on the 31st I am going to join in with some bloggers doing a great challenge with a great giveaway, and will posting my progress for my chance to win! Here is the link for more info if you want to join too!
New Years Organizing Revolution A Bowl Full of Lemons

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