Wednesday, March 12, 2014

7 Items Down 33 To Go - 40 Items in 40 Days

 Hey everyone, how is your week going? Are you doing some spring cleaning? What about this 40 Items or Bags in 40 Days challenge? I have been on a roll the last few days! I have been listing on my local facebook page and eBay! So far I have sold a total of 7 items since starting this challenge! You might not be up for selling your things, but maybe you would like to donate or throw them away, which is totally okay! I however make my income and am able to stay home with my kids by selling! Something about myself that you might not know....I started selling on eBay in 2011, my first items sold was a children's chapter book, I think it sold for $2.00! I was hooked! Over the last several years I have gotten a lot better with finding items to sell! Below is a list of the items I have sold for this challenge with the price it sold for!

 Porcelain Doll $8.50 
Blow Dryer and Iron $12.00 
Beverage Dispenser $9.00 
Kids Books $12.00
Minnie Mouse Set $6.50

This Canister set I purchased on my local Facebook page 2 weeks ago for $9.25. I received a best offer of $40 a week after I listed it on eBay, and countered only for it to not sell. Which was fine with me, because I just knew if I waited a little longer it would sell for higher or better yet my asking price! Sure enough two weeks into the listing and it sells for my $60 asking price! 
Check them out HERE !

About a year ago I saw a craigslist post for a box of Free Ren and Stimpy items. Score for me when I found out they were still available and I just had to go pick them up! I have made a huge profit on the items I got for free. I sold this set of cards for $15 during this challenge. I have several more sets, but this is considered one item out in my book! 

Check them out HERE !

I will be back soon with an updated list of things sold! If you are doing this challenge and have a blog please leave a link in the comments for me to see your progress! Or tag me @kailaramsey on instagram so I can see your photos!

To see more items I have available in my eBay store click HERE

1 comment:

  1. not to be mean or sassy but it is really hard to read your blog with the red type and bright blue background

    great sales btw
