In my quest to get rid of things in our house, I started listing more things on the Facebook Auction page my city has set up. I am so happy that I can get a few things out and make a little extra cash at the same time! Here are a few items I sold this week...
I sold this to a lady for $20! I had checked on eBay and could not find this set, and the items that looked like this were not selling for a whole lot, so I figured $20 and no fees or shipping...pretty good if you ask me! I also love the fact that I did not have to worry for days that it got to a buyer in one piece!
I sold this for $3, not as much as I would have liked, but its better then nothing! Plus it made the lady that bought it super happy, her son was in Kindergarten. (fyi that is not my family in the photo's lol)
This set of princess frames and decor sold for $8.50. I am so happy that this is gone, my daughter would not leave the frames alone, and they were always ending up on the floor.
I sold my daughter's singing potty for $5. She just turned two, and she only goes potty in the big potty now! We thought about keeping this and using it as a step stool, but our bathrooms are really small. I started potty training my daughter at 16 months and had her day and night trained without pull ups at 18 months. (hope this gives other mommy's some home to get their little one trained too)
And these books I had sold for $3.50 to a friend, and she saw I was bidding on a kids guitar that retailed for $30, and had the same one and so we traded the books for the guitar she had. You might ask why I was willing to bring an item home when I am trying to get rid of thing?? Well hubster plays guitar and at night when he is trying to practice our daughter always gets in the way of that happening. She will climb onto his lap and play his guitar for him, meaning he really gets no practice time. We had been looking for a kids guitar that was not plastic with buttons for her, and this was the perfect way to do it...swap it and loose no money! Now lets hope she will play her new guitar instead of her daddy's!
This weeks total profit $36.50 + a free guitar
I hope that seeing the money I have made and knowing I am clearing the clutter has inspired some of you to do the same. Remember "one man's trash is another man's treasure" The best part, I sold all these things and did not have to leave my home to do so! What did you sell this week?
Friday, January 25, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Should I, Should I not??
I am sitting here next to my daughter who is napping and around me is a pile of clothing that do not fit her, toys, coupons and some things the belong in the trash. I am looking at it wondering "How could it get like this?" " I just cleaned and this room was spotless at the beginning of the month!" Every room I walk into I realize that it is a mess again, or that I have a pile of odds and ends and no place to put it! Does this happen to you? It is so frustrating some times. I really just want to load everything that we do not need or use and take it to the dump! But that is even harder for me, because I see a bunch of $$$ going out the door. I have my eBay store and I also started selling on our local auction page on Facebook. This month alone on Facebook I have made $70+ and on eBay I have made $50+ and this has allowed me to make a few extra dollars and get rid of a few things we are not using anymore! Great, Right?? I like that I can make the extra money while cleaning house, but I really just wish it was gone at the snap of my fingers! I have put a lot of thought into down sizing our belongings...for instance, do we really need the two coffee tables in the living room?? No, you know why?? Because right now there is a printer on one (not being used) and on the other there is a gifts from my daughters 2nd birthday. They collect things that do not have a place. With this being said I think it is safe to say we do not need them! I have been thinking a lot about becoming a minimalist! Are any of my readers minimalists? Any tips or sites you follow that could help me. I think the easiest way for my family will be to do it one step at a time...other wise we will all go in shock and feel like we should replace all those things we are getting rid of. Goals, would be a great place to start, don't you think?
-One Item a day ( I think if I can pick one item that we do not need a day, and either throw it away, or attempt to sell it would work great)
- Stop buying (Only buying things we need, food, new shoes or clothing for the kids ect. )
- One in one out (If we purchase ANYTHING I think it would be right to do the one in one out method)
That is a few good goals to start with. I hope that my next post will have some photos for everyone with things I am working on! Feel free to leave me some tips or links that might help with my quest to down grade our belongings!
-One Item a day ( I think if I can pick one item that we do not need a day, and either throw it away, or attempt to sell it would work great)
- Stop buying (Only buying things we need, food, new shoes or clothing for the kids ect. )
- One in one out (If we purchase ANYTHING I think it would be right to do the one in one out method)
That is a few good goals to start with. I hope that my next post will have some photos for everyone with things I am working on! Feel free to leave me some tips or links that might help with my quest to down grade our belongings!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Ibotta What is it you might ask? I found it very interesting and thought that many of my readers would benefit from it! It is a free app that you can down load to your I Phone or Android phone. It will have many offers available for you to earn money on. At first I thought this would be one more thing to drive me up the wall trying to remember. Now that I have had it a few days, I think it is totally worth trying to keep up with. It has many items you might already purchase as "offers" to earn money.
Orange Juice, Toilet paper, Mouth wash, dog biscuits are just a few I have seen on the app. Each item has a few tasks such as "learn a tip" or "watch this 1 minute video" all about the product. Once you have done the tasks, it will allow you to earn a set $ amount on that item once it is purchased. When you have made the purchase at one of the many stores available in the options area you simply take a photo of the receipt. Once Ibotta has verified you purchased the item on the list (usually takes a less then two minutes) it will tell you you earned $x amount. You can then transfer that amount into your PayPal account. This only asked me for my email address that is linked to my PayPal. Or you also have the option of donating the money to a school. I have only made a few dollars in this week alone, but I am sure in the weeks to come I will make a lot more once I have a grocery list and some coupons in hand! Post a comment if you get the app and let me know what you think! :)
Orange Juice, Toilet paper, Mouth wash, dog biscuits are just a few I have seen on the app. Each item has a few tasks such as "learn a tip" or "watch this 1 minute video" all about the product. Once you have done the tasks, it will allow you to earn a set $ amount on that item once it is purchased. When you have made the purchase at one of the many stores available in the options area you simply take a photo of the receipt. Once Ibotta has verified you purchased the item on the list (usually takes a less then two minutes) it will tell you you earned $x amount. You can then transfer that amount into your PayPal account. This only asked me for my email address that is linked to my PayPal. Or you also have the option of donating the money to a school. I have only made a few dollars in this week alone, but I am sure in the weeks to come I will make a lot more once I have a grocery list and some coupons in hand! Post a comment if you get the app and let me know what you think! :)
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Office Challange
As I stated in my last post I am joining in on
New Years Organizing Revolution Week-1
And this week we are in the office! Well I really did not have an office before. I had a desk in our down stairs living room, and it was a big mess we used as a dumping ground for everything! The spare room was where we want to make our office/crafting/sewing room. I am going to warn you, this room you are about to see, was a complete mess. And to top it off it is painted BLACK and has super yucky carpet!
We plan to paint this room and put new carpet (I hope soon) and you better believe I will be sharing a before and after on that room makeover! Until then I have to deal with the ugly wall color and dirty carpet. But now I have an office, where I can close the door and actually get some work done!
I turned a corner into a shipping station for eBay sales. I had a ton of stuff to move and go threw and still do, but I was able to move my old hope chest from my daughters room into the corner. The after photo you can see the box on the far left has packing supplies, and on top of the printer is my scale to weigh my packages.
And my desk! Wow was that heavy to move, and difficult to get into the room. One day I would like to paint this desk white and add new knobs onto it, I have seen a few photos of a similar desk painted white and just loved it! Up on top of the desk I have a calendar and a scent warmer! On the wrighting area I have two nice boxes that I found at TJMaxx a few months back. It fits great in that space and I have things I might need at hand such as paper clips, sticky notes and label maker refills. It may not be a pretty office and it may not be complete but it is a lot better then the above photos where it was no where near functional. I am happy to finally have a space to get some things done, and hope that it will motivate me more! In the next few weeks I plan to add a few more things that are needed and also hang some photos on the walls. When the day comes for us to fix up this room and paint my desk, I will be sure to take a ton of photos to share with you! Feel free to leave me comments on what you might change to make it better, or fancy on a budget! ;)
And this week we are in the office! Well I really did not have an office before. I had a desk in our down stairs living room, and it was a big mess we used as a dumping ground for everything! The spare room was where we want to make our office/crafting/sewing room. I am going to warn you, this room you are about to see, was a complete mess. And to top it off it is painted BLACK and has super yucky carpet!
We plan to paint this room and put new carpet (I hope soon) and you better believe I will be sharing a before and after on that room makeover! Until then I have to deal with the ugly wall color and dirty carpet. But now I have an office, where I can close the door and actually get some work done!
I turned a corner into a shipping station for eBay sales. I had a ton of stuff to move and go threw and still do, but I was able to move my old hope chest from my daughters room into the corner. The after photo you can see the box on the far left has packing supplies, and on top of the printer is my scale to weigh my packages.
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